Daisy Ducati vs Izamar Gutierrez at Ultimate Surrender

Daisy Ducati vs Izamar Gutierrez at Ultimate Surrender Summer Vengeance Tournament 2015

Daisy Ducati is Ranked 8th in Summer Vengeance. She’s gained a lot of experience over the last two seasons, and she’s confident she has the skills to beat one of the favorites for the 2015 title. The red-head is tall, lean and her legs can turn into lethal weapons.

Izamar Gutierrez is ranked 3rd. The latina is a wrestling veteran, former Ultimate Surrender Summer Vengeance Champion, looking to make it again to the final. She’s looking to use her superior strength to stay on top, where she can do the most damage from.Daisy Ducati vs Izamar GutierrezBoth girls go all out to pin, submit, control and dominate each other. The sound of agony these girls make while they are being dominated by the physical strength of their opponents is one of the hottest things of this match. They keep fighting even after the final whistle blows off, with one of the girls trying to get orgasm on the mat off her opponent.

Needless to say, the action continues in round 4, where the loser is lifted into a Torture-Rack and fisted!

Watch the full match ยป

Daisy Ducati vs Izamar GutierrezDaisy Ducati vs Izamar GutierrezDaisy Ducati vs Izamar Gutierrez

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