Holly Heart vs Dragonlily vs Penny Barber: MILFs catfight tournament at Ultimate Surrender

Holly Heart vs Dragonlily vs Penny Barber: MILFs catfight tournament at Ultimate Surrender.

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Holly Heart vs Dragonlily vs Penny Barber: MILFs catfight tournamentHolly Heart vs Dragonlily vs Penny Barber: MILFs catfight tournamentHolly Heart vs Dragonlily vs Penny Barber: MILFs catfight tournament

A mother’s day special: Ariel X has Syd Blakovich come in as a special referee to keep this great match in check, as 3 of the hottest MILF lesbians of Ultimate Surrender go fight it out in a lesbian catfight.

Dragonlily vs Holly Heart is the match of the first round, and the winner of that match takes on Penny Barber in round 2. In round 3 the winner of the tournament takes on both losers in a handicap tag team match. And, needless to say, everyone joins the action in round 4, as the two losers are being gangbanged into oblivion.

Holly Heart vs Dragonlily vs Penny Barber: MILFs catfight tournament

The match doesn’t go without surprises. The Dragon has her way in the first round with Holly Heart, as the experience shows. Then in round 2 she is overly confident going against Penny Barber, who manages to catch Dragonlily in a nice maneuver that allows her to get ahead early, with Dragonlily scrambling to catch up.

Can she do it by the end of the round and win the tournament?

You need to find out!

Holly Heart vs Dragonlily vs Penny Barber: MILFs catfight tournamentHolly Heart vs Dragonlily vs Penny Barber: MILFs catfight tournament

Round 3 is especially hot, since both Dragonlily and Penny Barber are especially vulnerable to forced orgasms on the mat, so the winner of the tournament is in for some very rude double team fingering in round 3, before she can take her revenge in round 4.

All in all, one of the hottest and most exciting matches of the season, with a welcome twist…But you can’t expect anything less when you have Arial X, Syd Blakovich, Dragonlily, Penny Barber and Holly Heart all on the mat at the same time.

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