DWW: Pia vs Kim-Ly

This is a new video from Danube Women Wrestling: if you enjoy a good fight between two very different young women then you should consider to watch Pia vs newcomer Kim-Ly. If you enjoy some good scissors then you should also watch this fight. If you enjoy SGPINs, then this fight is highly recommended.

Pia is much more experienced than Kim-Ly, but she’s the smaller girl. However, Pia is an aggressive young blonde who loves a good fight and who doesn’t quit even then when a big and a strong girl like Kim-Ly would be her opponent. When the match began, it was indeed Pia who had to submit quickly in a brutal and merciless scissors of her strong Asian opponent. Pia, however, counters with aggressive and skilled SGPINs, making her opponent even more aggressive since tough Kim-Ly hates nothing more than being SGpinned by a smaller blonde.

Finally this fight is getting pretty wild and it had to be stopped when one of the two girls started to cry mainly because of frustration and also because of some pain. There’s a real fight in this topless pins and submissions match between two ambitious young women and it looks indeed as if they had an emotional street fight against each other while there’s no love nor any sympathy lost between those two competitive young women. If you’re enjoying real fights then this fight will be exactly for you. If you enjoy fantastic and aggressive SGPINs and sometimes brutal and merciless SGPIN riding and if you enjoy tough scissors, then you’ll definitely have to.

Watch the full video here

DWW: Olenia S. vs Svetlana Kr.

This is a new video from Danube Women Wrestling: This a match from several years back, with at that time new but very determined fighter Olenia versus a more experienced Svetlana. There’s kicking and boxing, hair pulling and catfight at once, plus there is an incredible aggressiveness in this fight. The needle was particularly presented by Olenia who was a superb and such a gifted fighter. She just didn’t want to submit. Everybody would have given up that match if she were her, but Olenia did always fight back and Svetlana got pretty much into troubles with that young and strong but pretty new opponent.

A word of caution: This match is such a hard fought extreme fight that it is only recommended to those of you who are totally fearless and not fainthearted at all. For anybody else out there, watching this extreme fight would be a too shocking experience and it is therefore not recommended to watch it. This is a fighting style for the very few best of the best athletes in this world only. Those of you who love this kind of fights will be overly excited when watching their fight while those of you who don’t like things like that should better skip it.

Watch the full video here